Public API Documentation > General > Authentication


An authentication token is required to make API calls. A user account is not required, unless you want to perform actions on behalf of the user.

There're four ways to authenticate to the API:

  • Using an XAPP Token obtained using a client application ID and secret without logging in.
  • Logging in using an OAuth Token obtained via browser redirects.
  • Logging in using an XAuth Token obtained using a client application ID, secret and a user's email and password.
  • Logging in using an XAuth Token obtained from a user's OAuth Token, usually on a mobile device.

Before Your Begin

First, create an application and obtain a client ID and secret by following the instructions in Getting Started.

Authenticate with an XAPP Token

This workflow is suitable for desktop or mobile clients. It allows anonymous logon to Artsy without any user access.

curl -v -X POST \ \
  -d client_id=[your client id] \
  -d client_secret=[your client secret]
Parameter Description
client_id Your application's client ID.
client_secret Your application's client secret.

Note that you can also POST these parameters form-urlencoded in the body with the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type header, or as JSON, along with an application/json content-type.

The response from Artsy will be the following JSON.

  "type" : "xapp_token",
  "token" : "...",
  "expires_at" : "2014-09-05T12:39:09.200Z"
Field Description
type Always "xapp_token".
token Authentication token.
expires_at Token expiration date/time.

Make requests by placing the token into an X-Xapp-Token header.

Login using OAuth Web Browser Redirects

This is the preferred method for authenticating users and allows Artsy users to login to your application via Browser redirects. In this scenario Artsy acts as an OAuth provider. Users are prompted to trust your application and are notified about the host to which you are redirecting them.

Currently there's no way to restrict the redirect addresses for your application and users are prompted to trust it every time they login. This will be implemented in the future.

Redirect users who wish to authenticate to the OAuth authorization url.

curl -v ""

A logged in user will be redirected back to the url you have supplied, appending an authorization code code=..., eg. https://[your redirect url]/?code=auth.

Your server should make an OAuth2 POST request to the following url.

curl -v -X POST \ \
  -d client_id=[your client id] \
  -d client_secret=[your client secret] \
  -d code=[code] \
  -d grant_type=authorization_code
Parameter Description
client_id Your application's client ID.
client_secret Your application's client secret.
code Authorization code from the callback above.
grant_type Set to "authorization_code".
state Optional state to include in the callback.
scope Optional authorization scope.

Set "scope" to "offline_access" to request a token that expires in 25 years instead of the standard 60 days.

The response from will be a JSON containing an access token and an expiration date.

  "access_token" : "...",
  "expires_in" : "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss TZ"
Field Description
access_token Authentication token.
expires_in Token expiration date/time.
state Optional state when present.
scope Scope of access requested.

The value of "state" will be returned in the redirect URL for "authorize", the access token and error JSON.

Save the access token for this user in your database or persist it for the duration of the session.

Make requests by placing the token into an X-Auth-Token header.

In case of an error, the server will return an error JSON.

  "error" : "...",
  "error_description" : "..."
Field Description
error OAuth 2 error code.
error_description Humanly readable description.

Login using an XAuth Token obtained from a User's Email and Password

If you store or prompt for the user's email and password, which is not recommended, you can obtain an OAuth token in exchange for those credentials.

curl -v -X POST \ \
  -d client_id=[your client id] \
  -d client_secret=[your client secret] \
  -d grant_type=credentials \
  -d email=[user email] \
  -d password=[user password]
Parameter Description
client_id Your application's client ID.
client_secret Your application's client secret.
grant_type Set to "credentials".
email User's email address.
password User's password (avoid sending in a query string).
scope Optional authorization scope.

Set "scope" to "offline_access" to request a token that expires in 25 years instead of the standard 60 days.

The response from will be a JSON containing an access token and an expiration date.

  "access_token" : "...",
  "expires_in" : "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss TZ"
Field Description
access_token Authentication token.
expires_in Token expiration date/time.
scope Scope of access requested.

Make requests by placing the token into an X-Auth-Token header.

Login using an XAuth Token obtained from a User's OAuth Token

If you have access to a user's social provider token (Facebook) or a social provider token and secret (Twitter), you can obtain an OAuth token in exchange for it.

curl -v -X POST \ \
  -d client_id=[your client id] \
  -d client_secret=[your client secret] \
  -d grant_type=oauth_token \
  -d oauth_token=[token] \
  -d oauth_provider=[provider]
Parameter Description
client_id Your application's client ID.
client_secret Your application's client secret.
grant_type Set to "oauth_token".
oauth_token OAuth token obtained from Facebook or Twitter.
oauth_token_secret OAuth token secret obtained from Twitter.
oauth_provider Either "facebook" or "twitter".
scope Optional authorization scope.

Set "scope" as "offline_access" to request a token that expires in 25 years instead of the standard 60 days.

The response will be identical to the "credentials" grant type above.

Expiring Tokens

You should offer users logout functionality and expire OAuth tokens obtained from the "oauth2/access_token" routes above by calling the following API.

curl -v -X DELETE \ \
  -d access_token=[access token]
Parameter Description
access_token Accesss token in a query string or the X-Auth-Token header.

The response from Artsy will be the following JSON.

  "id" : "...",
  "type" : "access_token",
  "token" : "...",
  "expired_at" : "2014-09-05T12:39:09.200Z"
Field Description
id Expiration ID.
type Always "access_token".
token Authentication token.
expired_at Date/time when the token expired, typically just now.